CSU Construction Management Fundraiser - Green Raffle Ticket Sales
Join your construction industry peers for a fundraiser to help advance CSU's new Construction Management Degree program.
Click the orange "Register Now" button below to buy one $1,000 "Green Prize" raffle ticket for a chance to win Bobcat equipment from Leppo Rents ($42,000 Walk Behind Loader or the same value for another Bobcat purchase).
"Green Prize" Raffle Tickets come with one ticket to the April 18 event.
You need not be present at the event to win the raffle.
The Register Now button may look different on some phone browsers.
To purchase a standard event ticket, which includes a raffle ticket for the "White Prize" (up tp a $5,000 value), click on the following link: EVENT ONLY & "WHITE PRIZE" RAFFLE
1163 E 40TH STREET