Jim Brown Quotes
- Dead is Dead…Dead Right or Dead Wrong, you’re still just as dead.
- Asking a Safety Guy to talk is like asking Colonel Sanders to mind the chickens.
- I’m not smart, I’m just old.
- I know what you’re thinking…that guy is good.
- Man Jim, you know everybody!
- Q: Hey Jim, How ya doing? A: “GOOD, GOOD!”
- You think you love your kids, just wait til you have grandkids!
- Q: Hey Jim, why don’t you use an old ball on this hole? A: “I don’t have any!”
- Old apprentices remember coming up to him and saying “Hey Mr. Brown – Dead’s Dead!” He often replies by stating “Good to see you…I see that you still have all your fingers and toes!”
- A bit of advice to live by: All this knowledge I have up here, I can’t take with me. So I’m going to do what I can to pass it on.
- When attending a CEA class: “The things you learn in this class don’t mean anything unless you take it back to your companies and downstream it.”
- OSHA’s here to stay, so if you’re going to play the game, you gotta play by their rules.
- Our friends OSHA…
- Remember, someone loves you…Buckle up & Have a Safe Day!
- “I remember at Ruhlin…”
- I was yard superintendent for 17 years at Ruhlin…
- Rob Medlock to Jim Brown in an OSHA informal: Now, wait a minute Jim…don’t piss on my boots and tell me its raining.
- When I first started at CEA, I could fit everything we had in my little office and John told me to build a Safety Department second to none.
- All we have to sell here is service…
- I’ve had many contractors approach me and say the only reason they belong to CEA is for the Safety.
- In just the money I’ve saved our contractors in OSHA citations, my salary is free.
- We spend money back here like its our own.
- We can’t tell a contractor how to spend his money.
- Did you get your football pool in? You still owe me a quarter (plus interest) from last week.
- With football pools: “We bet big money – a quarter.”
- Hey partner, don’t forget, you owe me a quarter.
- When he has to pay up: “Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn.” “This week, I decided to let you win.”
- When on business travel in the month of October, we’ve had to have Karen fax the hotel our football pool and fax it back to her…it may have been the most important business of the day.
- Q: In OSHA Class, what subject do you wanna do next? A: Let’s do drugs!
- With alcohol, it takes the body 1 drink an hour to process. The only thing to cure a drunk is time. If you have a drunk & run him around the block, you’ll have a sweaty drunk; if you give him a bunch of coffee, you’ll have a wide-awake drunk; if you throw him in the pool, you might just have a dead drunk.
- With electricity, once it grabs hold to you, it forces you to clench and no matter how big you are, nor how many steroids you’ve been taken, once it gets you, you can’t let it go.
- Never, ever; never, ever…work under the pennant lines.
- Hey Partner!
- There’s two types of confined spaces; permittable and non-permittable. We’re in the business of building confined spaces.
- “That’s a great idea!” Glad I thought of it!
- See? I got kidneys (pointing to head).
- When people talk about Jim Brown, one of the first things they mention is how they’ve never met a kinder man who always seems to be in a good mood and never appears angry.
- I was so sick…“I had to feel better to die.”
- Like I said, “it ain’t gonna happen.”
- Dropped projector in classroom at 981 Keynote: “John, see what Wayne did?”
- We’ve got one of the best Safety Departments in the country.
- When teaching Fire: Bill Ruhlin was color blind. “Bill was fun to ride with. When we were at a light and all the cars would stop, Bill would stop; when all the cars would go, Bill would go…when no one was around, Bill took his chances.”
- In a restaurant: “What kind of ice cream you got?” “How about a hot fudge sundae?”
- “Hey Wayne, come here a minute (& grab your calendar).
- “Hey Wayne, what you got going on next Tuesday?…we got another 16-Hour at the Carpenters.”
- Every time the phone rings, all your plans for the day change.
- “We return all calls…it might take us a day or two, but we do return all our calls.”
- Better answer that, otherwise we’ll have to call them back.
- If you call us and we aren’t there, be sure to ask for Karen. She knows where we are at all times.
- “We used to have those big bag phones, they were so big we didn’t carry them with us & we just left them in our vans…until one day John was trying to get ahold to us and couldn’t. Next day when we came into the office, he pulled us into the Board Room and gave us these little phones & said ‘that’ll fix ‘em.’ Now we can’t hide.”
- "I'd rather be tried by 6 than carried by 8."
- “I love my job.”