2 Tuff 2 Talk Highlighted Nationally


There is an industry-wide effort to destigmatize mental health issues. Employers of all sizes, open shop and union, working in partnership with associations and safety professionals, are confronting the twin epidemics of suicides and overdoses. The greater focus on mental health began gradually in the mid-2010s with a renewed focus on preventing suicide. Prior to the pandemic, one in five people experienced mental health issues, making it more common than cancer, diabetes or heart disease. Since the pandemic, more than a third of those surveyed by the U.S. Census Bureau and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said they had symptoms of anxiety or depression in the prior seven days

According to another CDC report published last year, people working in the construction and extraction occupations have the highest rates of suicide compared to any other field. 

2Tuff2Talk.com was created in partnership Construction Employers Association and AGC of Northwest Ohio and to provide mental health resources and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) union specific information. 

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