City of Aurora Considers Putting the Park Back into Geauga Lake Park



Public use of Geauga Lake for people with kayaks and canoes and sunbathing on some of the tiny Sea World beach may be in the offing if the city of Aurora succeeds in snagging the gems.

Mayor Ann Womer Benjamin has proposed the city buy the lake and 40 acres of lakefront land from Industrial Commercial Properties of Mayfield Heights. ICP snagged some parcels in Aurora as part of its purchase of the Bainbridge Township side of the former amusement park.

Womer Benjamin presented the suburb's City Council with a proposed contract with ICP for the lake and lakefront site for $4.5 million. The land and lake purchase were presented to council in an executive session, a private session for land purchases by governments allowed by Ohio law.

The mayor said in a news release the city has worked on the proposal for a couple of years. If Aurora proceeds with the purchase, she said potential plans for the property include redeveloping it into a public park with a pool, beach and related amenities.

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