Forest City Erectors' Jim Mirgliotta Shares His 70+ Years of Experience


Beth Castelucci, Properties Magazine

Jim Mirgliotta of Forest City Erectors has been a staple in the construction industry for the past 70+ years and is knows nationwide for his committment to safety in union construction. During a recent meeting of CEA's Future Safety Executives, Mr. Mirgliotta drove home the importance of putting safety into everyday practice. 

Starting as an iron worker with the Local 17 in 1951, hired by his father to install rebar at the Ford project and build bridges, Mirgliotta worked a variety of jobs within the union. He was eventually presented with the opportunity to buy into a partnership at Forest City Erectors, which he and his wife, Betty, turned into a successful business. They built the company by treating workers how they wanted to be treated, with respect. Incorporating family-like activities, such as picnics, parties and holidays, employees felt like they were valued and stayed on board. The Mirgliottas worked to protect their family of employees by creating a true safety culture. 

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