Laborers 310 Terry Joyce Receives Irish Labor Award



Laborers Local 310 Business Manager Terence P. Joyce was recognized with the Irish Labor Award by the nation’s oldest Irish American newspaper.

On Dec. 18, Joyce was honored by the Irish Echo newspaper during the 10th annual Irish Labor Awards. For the past decade, the New York-based newspaper has recognized the contributions of men and women of Irish heritage who have made a major contribution to the labor movement.

A first-generation Irishman, Joyce has helped transform labor in the 21st century by doing something his father loved doing – telling labor’s story. 

“Terry is well known throughout northeast Ohio and Columbus. He is one of the most respected labor leaders throughout the state and it really stems from his professionalism and approach,” said Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary Dave Wondolowski. “People regularly rely on his advice and counsel, which is always well thought out.”

 A second-generation labor leader, Joyce followed in the footsteps of his father Terry Joyce Sr., who served as a business agent for Local 310 from the mid-1960s through 1991.