Legislative Update - December 2020


Race to the End of Lame Duck Session

The Ohio Legislature is racing to the finish line as lame duck session concludes at the end of this month. Lame duck sessions are hectic and unpredictable because any piece of legislation that doesn’t pass before December 31, 2020 has to be reintroduced next session and the legislative process starts all over again.  Issues that the legislature is currently focused on include but are not limited to; criminal sentencing reform, school funding, HB 6(First Energy) modifications, gun laws and limiting the Governor and Department of Health’s power regarding COVID-19.

One issue of particular interest to CEA members is the enactment of a capital improvements budget. Every two years, lawmakers pass a capital bill that contains money for construction projects, renovations and equipment purchases around the state. Because of COVID-19, plans for such a bill this spring were shelved, but legislative leaders say they now intend to pass a capital bill to help the state’s economy particularly in areas such as construction.

CEA Makes Its Voice Heard During Lame Duck

Along with advocating for the passage of the capital bill, CEA joined other construction employer groups and labor in sending a letter to the legislature opposing:

  • Authorizing construction services under cooperative purchasing agreements
  • Increasing force accounts limits
  • Weakening licensure for construction trades, design and engineering professionals
  • Attempting to undermine privately funded apprenticeship programs 

Because of the uncertainty of lame duck, we continue to contact members of both the House and Senate reminding them of the letter and to alert us if any of the above issues are being discussed.

CEA Continues To Advocate For Passage Of SB 156, Synthetic Urine Bill

SB 156 (Gavarone) prohibits defrauding a drug or urine screening test and bans the sale and use of fake urine for that screening.  The bill received its third hearing on 12/3/20 and there was no opponent testimony. SB 156 has bipartisan co-sponsorship/support and passed the Senate by a vote of 31-0 earlier this year. CEA continues to stress to the members of the House committee that this is a common sense approach to help increase workplace safety. We have also respectfully asked the committee chairman to take a vote on the bill at their next meeting. 

CEA Opposes Bill To Expand Out Of State Occupational Licensing

SB 246 is being heard before the Senate General Government & Agency Review Committee.  The bill would allow out of state occupants to gain licensure in Ohio by having a license or experience in another state.  CEA has contacted leaders and legislators in both chambers informing them that the erosion of long established licensure is detrimental to the construction industry and its employees. We are proposing that any reference to construction be removed from this bill.

CEA Highlights Concerns On Apprenticeship Program Legislation 

HB 258 is being heard before the House Economic & Workforce Development Committee.  CEA opposes the bill.  We believe HB 258 would weaken licensure for the construction trades, undermine privately funded apprenticeship programs, and increase the likelihood of sub-par work being done.  CEA continues to interact with leaders and legislators on the problems with this bill.

134th GA Leadership Positions - Northern Ohio Represented

While not official until a vote is taken in January, we are happy to report that these local legislators have been named to leadership positions in the Senate and House.  We have worked with all of them in past and look forward to continue to do so in the next legislative session.

Sen. Kirk Schuring (R- Canton) Majority Floor Leader

Sen. Kenny Yuko (D-Richmond Heights  ) Minority Leader

Sen. Nickie Antonio (D-Lakewood) Minority Whip

Rep. Emilia Sykes (D -Akron) Minority Leader

Rep. Phillip Robinson (D- Solon) Caucus Chair