Legislative Update - November 2020


The Republicans had a huge night in Ohio carried by a massive election day turnout in Republican districts.  Donald Trump easily carried the state. All incumbents of both parties in Congress were reelected. 

In the Ohio Senate, Republicans started with a 24-9 majority.  They defeated one incumbent Senator Sean O’Brien (D-Bazetta) in the 32nd District (Northeastern Ohio.)  All other Republicans won their races including the very closely contested Senate District 16 in suburban Columbus.  Senator Stephanie Kunze (R-Hilliard) slowly chipped away at her opponent’s early voting lead of over 15,000 votes for a final victory of 41 votes out of 204,907 cast.  The Senate Republican’s new majority will be 25-8 for the 2021-2022 session pending a recount in the 16th District.  Senator Matt Huffman will be President.
In the Ohio House, Republicans started with a 61-38 majority.  Three incumbent candidates lost: Rep David Greenspan (R-Westlake), Rep Randi Clites (D-Ravenna), and Rep Gil Blair (D-Weathersfield).  Republicans also flipped 2 open seats vacated by Rep Jack Cera (96th District) and Rep John Patterson (99th District) for a net gain of 3 seats.  The House Republican’s new majority will be 64- 35 for the 2021-2022 session. Speaker Bob Cupp should maintain his position as Speaker, but it could be a close vote depending on who might challenge him.  There is a possibility the Republicans could pick up one more seat on recount with Rep Mike O’Brien (D-Warren) who holds a 370 vote lead over his Republican challenger.
Regarding the Ohio Supreme Court, Democrat Jennifer Brunner defeated incumbent Republican Justice Judy French.  Incumbent Republican Sharon Kennedy was successfully reelected.  The Republican majority on the Court is now 4-3.


These results are based on the unofficial results posted by County Boards of Elections immediately after the November 3 General Election, some eligible absentee mailed-in ballots may still be counted through November 13.

  • SD 24 – R – Sen. Matt Dolan secured re-election 54.08% - 45.92% over challenger D -Tom Jackson.
  • HD 6   - D - Phil Robinson 51.65 % defeated   R - Shay Hawkins 48.35%
  • HD 7  -  R – Tom Patton 58% defeated  D - Joan Sweeny 42%
  • HD 8  -  D – Kent Smith won (uncontested)
  • HD 9 -   R – Janine Boyd 86.69% defeated  R - Dustin Russell 13.31%
  • HD 10 – D – Terrence Upchurch won (uncontested) 
  • HD 11 – D – Stephanie Howse won (uncontested)
  • HD 12 – D – Juanita Brent 82.17% defeated R – Jerry Powell 17.83%
  • HD 13 – D – Mike Skindell 74.47% defeated R – Daniel Harrington 25.53%
  • HD 14 – D – Bride Rose Sweeney 58.69% defeated R- Lynn McMahan 41.31%
  • HD 15 – D – Jeffrey Crossman 52.24% defeated R – Kevin Kussmaul 47.76%
  • HD 16 – R – Dave Greenspan 49.12% lost to D - Monique Smith  50.88%
  • SD 18 – R – Lake County Commissioner Jerry Cirino won election to the Senate 60% - 40% over former congressional candidate Betsy Rader. This is Sen. John Eklund’s seat. 
  • HD 55 – R – Rep. Gayle Manning won re-election with 56% of the vote.
  • HD 76 – R – Rep. Diane Grendell secured election to the House with 62% of the vote. 

Legislature Gears Up For Lame Duck Session 

Now that election season has passed, the Ohio General Assembly will focus on a number of issues before they adjourn at the end of the year. These issues include, but are not limited to; criminal justice reform, HB 6 (energy bill) reform, K-12 education changes and the state capital bill (construction projects.)  CEA will also continue to push for the passage of SB 156, banning the sale and use of synthetic urine which can be used to defraud a drug test and HB 380 which would modify the state’s prompt pay law regarding private construction projects.  Finally, because lame duck can be hectic and unpredictable, we will continue to monitor any attempts to weaken Ohio’s prevailing wage law.  This is unlikely to occur, but it’s always a possibility especially at the end of a legislative session.

CEA Continues Work With Cuyahoga County Equity Committees

The County has both an internal and external equity committee meeting. The discussion is that some type of reports will be due the end December and in January for each committee.   Also, the county disparity study has been released.   The county has stated this shows that despite efforts by the County, race and gender-neutral programs are not sufficient to remedy disparities. 

“The County is turning this study over to the two equity commissions and asking them to review it and to provide us with their recommendations so that we can remedy these disparities,” said County Executive Armond Budish. “Both commissions are required to submit reports to County Council and to the community in the coming months. I look forward to their recommendations.”  Read the full 2020 Disparity Study Report here.

Small Business Relief Grant Is Still Available 

Just a reminder that Governor Mike DeWine designated up to $125 million of funding received by the State of Ohio from the federal CARES Act to provide $10,000 grants to small businesses to help them through the current crisis. The program began accepting applications November 2, 2020. 
Click here to applyDownload Small Business Relief Grant Fact Sheet PDF