Major Projects Across Ohio Boost 2021 Construction Outlook



In Ohio, officials closely involved with the union trades are seeing signs of a somewhat positive outlook for 2021, anchored by a number of large projects.

In greater Cleveland, Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary Dave Wondolowski said work for his members was steady in 2020, as construction wrapped up on a couple of larger projects including Church + State and the Euclid Grand.

While he foresees a good year, the confidence of real estate investors will be key in determining if 2021 will rise to a level it can be considered a great year.

“I still believe we have a lot of work during the first three quarters of (2021),” said Wondolowski. “I am hopeful that following the widespread distribution of a vaccine, work will stay strong and real estate investors will regain their pre-pandemic confidence.”

In 2021, Cleveland Building Trades affiliated members will begin work on the new Sherwin-Williams headquarters and separate Research and Development Center, which is expected to create hundreds of construction jobs.


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