Member Spotlight: Lawler Construction



Tom Lawler

Job Title

Vice President

Company Name

Lawler Construction

What does your company do?

Construction Management, General Contracting, Carpentry, Estimating, Feasibility

What is your favorite part of your job and why?

My favorite part of my job is working on projects and operations. I enjoy solving the new challenges that constantly surface and knowing there will be something new to attack every day. Estimating and Admin work can be very repetitive, but operations is always interesting.

What has been the key to your company's success?

The key to our company's success has been establishing and growing ongoing, long-term relationships with clients and partners through continued focus on our values of excellence and respect. We have found that our values steer our actions and through many years of work, our clients have recognized the added value and integrity that Lawler exemplifies and brings to a project.

What important changes/initiatives are you working on right now?

We are currently working on ways to support our field staff more efficiently so that they can remain focused and productive on field operations, without the delays introduced by doing much of their own admin work.

How does your company find and retain talent?

Our company finds much of our talent from young, construction educated college graduates. We offer them advancement and learning opportunities, treat them with respect, and give opportunities for additional responsibility so that each individual can grow and make mistakes (to learn from) at their own pace.

What advice would you give to somebody just starting their career in construction?

Stay humble and learn every day. Construction is so diverse and can be very technical sometimes. There is always an opportunity to learn, so never close your eyes and ears and never stop asking questions.

What CEA initiatives have you been involved with?

We have been involved in CEA Training courses, philanthropy events, networking events, Union negotiations, and advisory boards. We also recently became involved with the CAA.