Member Spotlight: OCP Contractors




Brian Exl

Job Title

General Manager, Cleveland

Company Name

OCP Contractors

What does your company do?

OCP is an industry leader in GPS layout, framing, installation of load-bearing mid-rise structures, prefabrication, and Building Information Modeling tools.

What is your favorite part of your job and why?

I really enjoy seeing so many union professionals and skilled tradespeople working and able to provide for their families.

What has been the key to your company's success?

Innovation is at the core of OCP’s culture and continually drives the company forward. Forward thinking - getting ahead of the curve and thinking outside the box. Also, the longevity of office and field personnel.

What important changes/ initiatives are you working on right now?

We are working on different ways to put more prefabrication in place and new prefabrication ideas, utilizing new technologies as they are available.

How does your company find and retain talent?

Engaging with current employees about what they like and dislike about their job. We make it a priority to fix the dislikes and share the likes and benefits with others.

What advice would you give to somebody that is starting their career in construction?

Be proactive, ask questions, be attentive, and teachable.

What CEA initiatives have you been involved with?

I have been a part of Future Executives and have helped with multiple trainings offered by CEA.