Member Spotlight: R.L. Cole Enterprise, Inc.



Rhoni Thompson

Job Title

President/ Owner

Company Name

R. L. Cole Enterprise, Inc.

What does your company do?

RLC supplies and delivers aggregates, mulch, salt, and provides hourly trucking to haul excavated, debris and demolished materials as well as spoils removal and storage/ return. We also have a Clean Fill Site to receive materials.

What is your favorite part of your job and why?

There are so many reasons to love what I do with R.L. Cole. The quickest way would be to say, “TO KEEP EVERYONE WORKING!”. That is my part in a nutshell; but I could not do it without everyone playing their part. We all wear multiple hats and I think I could say 95% of the time everyone seems to be okay with that. I use staff meetings to remind everyone we are responsible for each other and it’s not about any one person, it’s about all of us and we all affect each other. I remind them as a small business we often get one chance to make an impression and that chance can lead to so many more opportunities. 2022 brought some unbelievable challenges and I witnessed everyone looking out for each other and just doing things without being asked. Our field operation is critical to daily function and when it became difficult “My Guys”, the drivers began to cover the most valuable person at R.L. Cole, and I was extremely thankful and proud that they are putting in the work! What’s the favorite part of my job? I love it all. We are demonstrating what can be done in our community. We are contributing to what should be normal. Small businesses strongly and generally impact the economy by scaling and growing; not just remaining in business. Recently, we agreed to take the lead on a large project in the Cleveland area with an Anchor institution. This role is an example of what comes out of CEA's and CAA's intentional purpose to uplift construction.

What is the key to your company's success?

RLC’s motto has been to ‘Be Better than the Day Before”. Here at RLC, we are simply trying to outdo our performance with every customer and with ourselves since the day before. My team has time again demonstrated their appreciation for R.L. Cole in countless ways. I believe our high standards and professionalism enable us to provide the service our customers deserve and ultimately expect.

What important changes/initiatives are you working on right now?

As we are entering a new phase in our business, which happens often. We are focusing more on training our employees in their current roles so they can be more efficient and identifying our employees that are taking on new roles to provide them with the support they need.

How does your company find and retain talent?

Historically, we have always gained new employees by word of mouth but as we have grown, and the applicant market has changed we now utilize Indeed, Zip Recruiter and the sites of various organizations RLC is involved with as sources for new hires. Recently, I was able to meet with the Oatey Co. and receive some critical feedback on how to attract and possibly retain the desired candidates. The goal is to change a few and introduce some things and hopefully attract high-quality candidates. This year RLC had its 1st Annual Company party, and it was fantastic. We had fun and celebrated two of our longest and undoubtedly most consistent and predictable drivers. These two gentlemen helped to create the Team culture that RLC strives for daily. They lead by example and that is what we do here every day.

What advice would you give to somebody just starting their career in construction?

Get and stay comfortable with learning. The construction industry is a consistent opportunity of change. This field includes various skilled, certified, and degreed workers, and of course entrepreneurs. This industry is in an exciting time for women and minorities as DEI continues to thrive and become the new normal - the future is truly what you make it.

What CEA initiatives are you involved with?

I am involved with the Future Executives Committee and have had the opportunity to learn about several trades and their involvement and impact in this region’s construction market. One of my goals in FEC is to represent 25+ minority and female businesses and keep their services or skills top of mind for the other FEC members when they are seeking service or trade companies. CAA construction companies are readily available to the FEC member and their employing construction company. I also encourage the FEC members to participate, support, and become engaged in CAA events, not only as an opportunity for networking (business), but to support the trades and the DEI culture.