OSHA Inspection Activity



The construction industry is a critical component of Northeast Ohio's economy, providing job opportunities and infrastructure development. However, construction work can be dangerous, and safety hazards are ever-present on construction sites. That's why it's essential to have a comprehensive safety program in place to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries.

One crucial aspect of construction site safety is compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. OSHA provides guidelines and regulations to protect workers' health and safety on construction sites, and adherence to these regulations is vital to prevent accidents and injuries.

To view recent OSHA inspections of construction sites in Northeast Ohio, click here: OSHA Inspection Activity 

Construction site safety is essential, and compliance with OSHA regulations is a critical component of a successful safety program. By maintaining a safety program, training employees, enforcing disciplinary actions, and performing regular inspections, construction companies can create a safer work environment for their employees and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.