Record Jump in Materials Prices and Supply Chain Disruptions Threaten Vital Nonresidential Projects



An unprecedented leap in the price of goods used in construction and supply-chain disruptions are wreaking hardships on contractors and slowing projects, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of government data released on April 9.

The association posted a Construction Inflation Alert  to update contractors and their clients about the latest developments.  Association officials urged the Biden administration to end a variety of tariffs and quotas on imported construction inputs and to help ease domestic supply-chain problems.

“Today’s producer price index report documents just some of challenges contractors are experiencing with fast-rising materials costs, lengthening or uncertain delivery times, and rationing of key inputs,” said Ken Simonson, the association’s chief economist. “These problems threaten to drive up the cost and completion time for many vital projects and potentially set back the recovery in construction employment.”

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