Woman in Construction 2025: Danielle Kane

Danielle Kane
Bluestone Communications Cleveland
Job Title
How many years have you worked in the industry?
9 years this July 2025
What attracted you to the construction industry and what do you enjoy most about your job?
I joined the trades because of a very caring father who wanted to see his daughter have a successful career in the same industry as him. He pushed me to find my own way but gave me all the advice and more to make my own path. Now I work beside him at the same company.
One thing I can say I enjoy most about my job is the fact I’ve seen and been to some of the coolest and weirdest places the normal working individual will never see in their lifetime. Down in manholes, crawling under buildings in confined spaces, high above the world on the rooftops of the tallest buildings we have in our area, and even some of the creepiest elevator shafts, or steam tunnels below our streets. Every day and every job is something odd to explore but the sights are worth it.
Have you had any mentors throughout your career? If so, who were they and how did they help you in your career.
My Dad “Blaine Berila” was the original push. But I’ve also had a handful of work-dad figures, who treat me like they would their own kids. I can always call someone to provide directions, verbal instruction, or answer something they specialize in more than I. I have met so many patient individuals over the years that there isn’t a single day where I’m doing this alone. Everyone is a txt/phone call away.
What advice would you give other women that are considering or new to the construction industry?
Construction is not for the half effort/ half motivation type individual. You need to be alert and aware of your surroundings. Things change too quickly. This includes doing your share, be proactive, be open minded to those around you, find your niche you thrive with, and advance as much as you can. This was once a male dominated job prospect, but women are showing their strength to do above and beyond efforts to their industries. You can be successful playing in the construction sandbox!
9.Tell us what you like to do in your free time or give a fun fact about yourself.
Fun fact: I build Gundam Mecha Robots for the fun of building toy plastic models. They are so intricate with all their tiny details and parts. I don’t create all the fancy artwork displays people make with them, but the whole process is so fascinating. A more tedious task compared to legos and equally just as fun in the long run.