Woman in Construction 2025: Sabrina Fisher






Sabrina Fisher


Shook Construction

Job Title  

Senior Project Engineer


How many years have you worked in the industry? 



What attracted you to the construction industry and what do you enjoy most about your job? 

I grew up helping my dad renovate our childhood home. Working with my hands and using tools attracted me to the construction industry. Everyday onsite is something new, not being stuck in a cubicle, where I get to make an impact on my community.


Have you had any mentors throughout your career? If so, who were they and how did they help you in your career. 

I have been extremely fortunate to have several mentors that I can call anytime for advice or just to check-in on life: Bill Root, Randy Beck, Kelsey Greco, and Laura Kobak.


What advice would you give other women that are considering or new to the construction industry? 

Don't let the fear of failure hold you back. This industry needs women to keep pushing the boundaries. You don't have to know how to construct a building, just come in wanting to learn.


Tell us what you like to do in your free time or give a fun fact about yourself. 

In my free time I like to do yoga and renovate my house. Next project will be demoing my wooden front porch and replacing it with brick.