Women in Construction 2025: Rachel L. Mulholland







Rachel L. Mulholland


Shook Construction

Job Title  

Senior Project Engineer


How many years have you worked in the industry? 



What attracted you to the construction industry and what do you enjoy most about your job? 

Construction is so relevant to everyday life. You get to play a part in shaping spaces and how people occupy them. And I enjoy being there throughout the construction process; experiencing the space like no one will ever get to again once it's complete!


Have you had any mentors throughout your career? If so, who were they and how did they help you in your career. 

I say that I take a coven-style approach to seeking membership; I compile nuggets of wisdom from multiple people and sources. And it might sound cheesy, but my husband has majorly supported me, built up my confidence, and provided guidance in maneuvering a heavily male-populated industry.


What advice would you give other women that are considering or new to the construction industry? 

Legislation passed in recent years has made the workforce more equitable and inclusive of women; separate locked restrooms, lactation accommodations, pregnancy workers fairness act, etc. And we can hope this continues!


Tell us what you like to do in your free time or give a fun fact about yourself. 

I spend most of my free time chasing around my 1.5-year-old son, but I am itching to get back to modern dancing, choreographing, and performing!