The Spotlight is on You Construction


People count on construction. What you do everyday is important. You are essential workers and have been working through this messiest of years.

Which also means you and your teams are no doubt tired and deserve to relax, unwind and regroup over the holidays.

Just so you know, your endless work hasn't gone unnoticed.

You adapted on the fly. You've kept our economy running, protected your families under the most difficult circumstances...and now it's time to take care of yourself.

Industry leader, Cal Beyer, CWP, SCTPP, Vice President; Workforce Risk & Worker Wellbeing at CSDZ, shares his tips for self care advice and ways to manage stress through the holiday. Here's his sage advice:

  1. Being optimistic is proven to make you more resilient and able to overcome stress and adversity.
  2. Maintaining an attitude of gratitude and seeking the "silver linings" in every experience builds our hope.
  3. Connecting with others if you feel isolated and alone; and/or, disconnecting from all electronic devices when you feel overwhelmed and distracted.
  4. Volunteering and doing acts of service for others is a way to feel good by caring for others.
  5. Engaging in self-care practices to restore balance between physical and emotional wellbeing.

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