Member Spotlight: Hatzel & Buehler



Anthony Riccelli

Job Title

Vice President / Branch Manager

Company Name

Hatzel & Buehler

What does your company do?

Hatzel and Buehler is an electrical construction company that provides premier service in field installation, pre-construction, design-build, pre-fabrication and engineering. We also own a subsidiary telecommunications company called Bluestone Communications, and also have a BAS controls division called Blue Sky Controls which gives us the capacity to provide service on all electrical systems to our customers.

What's your favorite part of your job and why?

Building and motivating a strong team and developing new customers. It's great to see team members get excited about pursuing new opportunities with customers and projects and motivating them to use our extensive resources to grow.

What is the key to your company's success?

The people. From ownership down, there is an investment in the people and that drives the motivation to succeed when you know the company is behind you. It is a family first company and that is always the top priority for every one of its employees.

What important changes/initiatives are you working on right now?

Hatzel and Buehler is currently involved with a project with DNA rising, in which we are providing electrical installation for a home renovation that with be donated to a veteran in need. We are also providing financial support for a home being built for Habitat for Humanity. We also have a partnership with Boys Hope/Girls Hope where we get the opportunity to educate their scholars with the opportunities and possibilities available to them in the electrical industry. We are also involved with the ACE mentorship program, and we are members of the Contractors Assistance Association that promotes more opportunities for diversified business enterprises.

How does your company find and retain talent?

Often times we find talent from within, whether it be field personnel moving into an office or management role or giving opportunities to change paths into a different department. We also find strong talent through internship programs that help us gain talent that is eager to learn and be molded. The way we retain talent is by giving them the resources to be successful, enabling them to grow, and providing them an opportunity to be part of a family that always has their back.

What advice would you give to someone just starting their career in construction?

Construction is a hard industry to work in, and it takes strength and intelligence, but the opportunities for growth are endless. But the reward of getting to be part of a project that you can drive by and say, "I helped build that!" is an amazing feeling of pride and honor!

What CEA initiatives have you been involved in?

CEA clambake, Future Safety Executive Committee, Cleveland Builds, Contractors Assistance Association, CEA Sporting Clays