Women in Construction: Suzan Virosteck


Suzan Virosteck 

Vice President 

Bluestone Communications 


How many years have you worked in the industry? 15 Years 


What attracted you to the construction industry? I loved the idea of building the future. I wanted to provide a safe and sustainable infrastructure. 


What do you enjoy most about your job? This is easy. I love positioning people to do their best work. Training and development goes so far beyond the walls of our work. We develop as a whole person, and I sincerely believe in servant leadership. I want to see those with whom I work thrive. We spend too much time with our jobs to not enjoy our work.  


What advice would you give other women considering the construction industry? Jump in. Find a mentor. Go for it! 


What can be done to attract more women to construction? We limit ourselves to traditional positions. As the first female VP in the oldest electrical contractor in the US, I am honored to represent! 


What do you like to do in your free time? I love to read. I am a homebody and will sit on my porch and breathe in the day, thankful.